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1092 Assist Course Selecting Application

1. 請先完成註冊,方得開始選課。
Please finish registration procedure before selecting courses.

2. 請先了解自己歸屬年度的課程規劃表。
Please have a thorough understanding of YOUR Curriculum Regulations.

3. 請注意選課時程,若沒在規定時程內完成選課、選課更正、停修,逾時無法辦理。
Please note the deadline of adding/dropping courses, otherwise you cannot apply.

4. 若有課程需要認列,請自行提出。
If there is any course that you want to transfer, please notify staffs.

5. 請注意通識課程的規定,包括大一英文,若不清楚請詢問導師。
Please note the Regulation of General Course. If you are unclear about it, please consult your mentor.

6. 若有選課上的問題,請詢問導師或是院長及所屬系所主任。
If there’s any question about selecting courses, please consult your mentor or the director of your department.

7. 請自行選擇要選的課程,以及注意自己的學分數,國際處職員僅協助系統操作。
Please select courses by yourself, and pay attention on your own credits. OICA staffs ONLY help you to use the system.

8. 學生自行選擇要選的課程,以及注意自己的畢業學分數及門檻。
Students must choose the courses you want by yourself, and MUST take care of your own credits.

9. 學生重複修習科目名稱相同(不論授課老師是否相同)之課程,其重複修習之成績及學分數不予承認。
For students who have repeatedly studied courses with the same course (regardless of whether the teacher is the same), their repeated study results and credits will not be recognized.

10. 無論學生於本系還是外系修讀課程,請遵照任課老師的指示修讀課程。
No matter which department courses students take, please follow the instructions of every teacher.

11. 五年級、六年級學生選課學分數超過9學分(含9學分),需支付全額學雜費。
If fifth-grade and sixth-grade students take more than 9 credits (including 9 credits), they have to pay the tuition fees in full amount.

12. 我已明白並會遵守上述事項,若因此發生學分抵免、認列、延畢等相關問題,我會自行負責。
I have already understood and will abide by the above matters, and I will take responsibilities for any credit related problems, such as transfer, credits waiver, delay graduation, and so on.
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